New Mexico’s Golden Autumn is a smorgasbord of leaf-peeping road trip options centered on Santa Fe and Taos.
Author: Rick Quinn

Book Tour Retrospective
The book signing tour for Arizona and New Mexico: 25 Scenic Side Trips was a voyage of discovery for the author (and a fantastic road trip)!

Save the High Road for Last
I used my own book as a guide on a round trip from Santa Fe to Taos

We Have Liftoff!
Rick Quinn reports from the road at the mid-point of his nine city tour, promoting the official launch of RoadTrip America Arizona and New Mexico: 25 Scenic Side Trips!

White Sands Sunset
One of the most spectacular sunsets I’ve ever seen was building in the skies to the west.

South of the Border
The second thing on my bucket list was a Mexican road trip. I wanted to drive my Jeep to the Yucatan, to see the Mayan ruins!

North, to Alaska
A 58 day road trip to Alaska was the dream of a lifetime

Birth of the Scenic Side Trip
Rick Quinn describes the kind of road trip guide book he always wanted to own

The Joy of Driving
When I’m driving, I ride the line that separates hurry from hesitation, and when I strike the perfect balance, it brings me great joy.
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